Holy Holiness, Batman! The Vatican Tweets About the Dark Knight

Now we know why Robin begins most of his exclamations with the word "Holy."

Comic book culture has found its way into almost every facet of our everyday lives in recent years, so it really comes as no surprise that it would finally find its way into religion. Witness above the bizarre and somewhat ominous tweet that came out of the Vatican on Thursday (thanks to E! Online for the pic).

The tweet came from a verified Twitter handle for Pontifical Council for Social Communications that linked to an article detailing the evolution of the Caped Crusader. Officials claim it was an "internal system failure due to a non-native English speaker posting the story on the website," which created an automatic tweet, according to Huffington Post.

"Admittedly some people might have been thrown off by the headline," said Greg Burke, a Vatican communications adviser. Nah, what makes you say that, Greg?

What's most interesting is the Batman article remains on the site. Perhaps we should be reading in-between the lines of Pope Francis' recent tweet that said, "True power is service. The Pope must serve all people, especially the poor, the weak, the vulnerable." Did anyone in Rome notice a bat-shaped symbol lighting up the sky last night?

Anyway, now we also know the Batcave is really in Italy.

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