Watch Zoolander Watch Models Fall Down

No one ever said modeling was an easy job, and if they did, they'd be wrong because have you seen these gals? It's pretty clear that, for some bowlegged beauties, walking in a straight line in heels can be a total bitch.

Appropriately, just in time for New York Fashion Week, style icon and male model "Zoolander" takes in the best supermodel FAILS on all the interwebs (already a classic viral compilation), and laughs til it hurts. And he's brought the whole gang with him to point, stare, and cackle, including David Bowie, Tyson Beckford, and Owen Wilson. Will Ferrell says it best when, as Jacobim Mugatu, he whines that he feels like he's "taken crazy pills," which may very well be the case if you watch enough of these gaffes in a row.

Because, hey, sometimes putting one foot in front of the other and looking really angry (or just very, very hungry) is a really tough job, you guys! Zoolander gets it!

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