Feast Your Eyes on the 'Django Unchained' Script

Director Quentin Tarantino might've been "damn surprised" by his Golden Globe grab for the "Django Unchained" script, but his pals at The Weinstein Company are making good on all the fuss, presumably with an eye on that Oscar prize.

For those of us who have some time to kill at work and can't quite manage to sneak out to the movies, TWC has now shared the mightily controversial screenplay for the film — the excesses of brutal violence and n-bomb usage of which have raised many eyebrows and led to one highly entertaining journalistic shutdown — on its website with Tarantino's original handwritten introductory page front and center.

Harvey Weinstein's company is also working some mojo on behalf of "The Master" and "Silver Linings Playbook," of course, but the "Django" script is assuredly the most eyebrow-raising of the pool.

Take a peek if you dare, but do bear in mind Tarantino's acceptance speech words on the subject of feedback: "I don't want input, I don't want you to tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, heavens forbid. But I write a scene, and I think I've heard it as much as I can, but then when I read it to you - I don't give it to you to read, I read it - when I read it to you, I hear it through your ears, and it lets me know I'm on the right track." So, yeah. Read it with his voice in your head ... or something.

"Django" is nominated in this year's Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay along with technical awards for Best Cinematography and Best Sound Editing, and actor Christoph Waltz is up for Best Supporting Actor for the flick.

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