'Master and Commander' Russell Crowe Goes Kayaking, Gets Lost & Rescued

"Master and Commander" star Russell Crowe isn't so good at sea after all.

The Oscar-winning thesp managed to lose his way kayaking in the wild waters off New York's Long Island over the holiday weekend and had to be picked up by a U.S. Coast Guard boat. Oops.

He had launched from Cold Spring Harbor with a (non-famous) friend on Saturday afternoon for a leisurely trip through the Long Island Sound. Apparently, however, the friend was no better a seaman than Crowe, as the two got pretty lost quickly after the sun went down, and ended up beaching their kayaks in Huntington Bay—nearly 10 miles east of where they set out, Huffington Post reports.

Fortunately, the Coast Guard was patrolling the area around 10 p.m. and heard Crowe calling for help, Petty Office Robert Swieciki recounts. Crowe, his buddy and their kayaks were all safely pulled onto the boat and given a ride to Huntington Harbor nearby.

"He just needed a little bit of help. He just got a little lost," Swieciki explained. "It wasn't really a rescue, really, more of just giving someone a lift." He described Crowe as grateful and friendly (who knew?!), and commented that he seemed like an experienced kayaker. Umm. Yeah, except for that whole getting lost part.

Crowe sent a Twitter message Sunday thanking the officers, and recapping his adventures at sea: "Thanks to Seth and the boys from the US Coast Guard for guiding the way... 4 hrs 30 mins, 7m(11.2km)."

The actor is currently in Long Island filming Darren Aronofsky's biblical epic "Noah"—yeah, about the guy who survives the biggest flood in history in a homemade boat. Oh, the irony.

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