See This Not That: 'Ruby Sparks' Over 'The Odd Life of Timothy Green'

This week, we are taking a look at two films about not-real people that become very, very real people, otherwise known as the Magic Realism Match Up! In one corner, Zoe Kazan's statement on the dangers of idealization in relationships, "Ruby Sparks." In another corner, Peter Hedges' off-beat family film "The Odd Life of Timothy Green."

See This: "Ruby Sparks"

Not That: 'The Odd Life of Timothy Green"

In "The Odd Life of Timothy Green", instead of writing a novel about a dream person that brings a human being into existence, two parents (played by Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton) write their dream qualities in a child on a piece of paper. After burying it in the backyard, a child with all of those qualities shows up at their house covered in mud, claiming to be their son. Then he goes around the town fulfilling peoples dreams until he disappears, thanks to some magical leaves growing on his magical legs. The whole thing is a little weird and doesn't really say much of anything. While the film is lovely to look at and at times very sweet, the whole thing can't help but feel rather pointless, a shame when a talent like Peter Hedges is involved. Audiences and critics were on the fence as well, as the film ended up with only a 40% on Rotten Tomatos and opened in a wide release at #7. While the film is fortunately mostly harmless, why waste even two hours on something merely quaint?

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