Bruce Willis Is Confused: The Mashup

Bruce Willis brings a great many things to his movies -- a suave demeanor, some sweet moves, an excellent sense of humor and... an incomparable look of utter befuddlement. No one looks confused quite like Willis, and to prove it, we offer this amazing supercut of his most bewildered expressions. It's a lot of looks -- and a lot of movies -- in a short amount of time, but don't worry about getting lost. Willis doesn't know what's going on either. Video edited by Avaryl Halley

Movies Featured (Click to Buy):

12 Monkeys | Color of Night | Die Hard | Die Hard with A Vengeance | Live Free or Die Hard | Hudson Hawk | Pulp Fiction | Blind Date | Armageddon | Death Becomes Her | RED | The Fifth Element | The Sixth Sense

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