Did A-Rod Ditch Out on His Kids to See Madonna?

Alex Rodriguez's soon-to-be ex-wife, Cynthia Rodriguez, has reportedly written a scathing email to a friend which "leaked" to the press. In it she says:

My 6-foot-3, 220-pound soul-less, soon-to-be ex-husband is abandoning his kids on Thanksgiving to be with Madonna ... She called and he ran on her command back to New York City ... Gross!

Listen, I don't claim to know much in this world, but I can say with a fair amount of certainty that A-Rod's wife is nowhere near that adept with a hyphen. This "email" was written by a publicist or an attorney, not by Cynthia.

It may, however, be true that Alex is ditching his fam to spend Thanksgiving with Madonna and her kiddos, which might be crappy, unless there's some sort of agreement in place that Cynthia gets the kids this holiday and is just trying to make A-Rod look bad in the press.

Either way, I don't really care. Madonna's too old for this sort of drama. It's boring.

The Evil Beet

Celebrity gossip with an evil twist.

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