American Idol Power Rankings

Sanjaya went do-rag! Alert the media! Oh wait, they already know. But the even bigger news is he's slipped in the Power Rankings. Let's get to 'em.

7. LaKisha

Uh-oh. We'll get to the performance in a minute, but how exactly does one get to throw a capital K a few letters into their name? Maybe that's just my issue. LaKisha's issue is that all of the judges gave her negative feedback and country night was better suited for Phil. Add that to the Sanjaya phenomenon, and the fact that Chris gets a solid teen vote -- it all adds up to trouble for LaKiSha.

6. Chris

Chris' problem is Blake. The fact that he can't sing is secondary, Sanjaya is proving that. I agree with Simon, too nasally is no good, otherwise Kermit would be a perennial top ten artist. Or is Kermy throatier? Regardless, I see Chris sticking for one more week, but look for him in the bottom rung.

5. Phil

Randy told him that he's got a career in country music lined up. That sounds about right, country music night was a gift from heaven for him. It allows him to stick at least one more week until it's again proven that he has zero ability to go up-tempo.

4. Sanjaya

I'm as shocked as you, but the judges are now hitting the right note in terms of feedback. Simon is playing the "c'mon guys, let's come to our senses card," and I think America will do so sooner rather than later, especially in contrast to a talent like Jordin. I liked the do-rag but there are only so many hairstyles left. One interesting Sanjaya note: When Simon gives him criticism the crowd laughs instead of booing. I think everyone is now officially in on the joke, which tends to make it less funny.

3. Melinda

Exactly, Simon, she should take praise with something besides shock. That's what confident people do, and the voters like confidence. I didn't love her version of "Trouble is a Woman," but it was much better than I thought it was going to go after the last few emotionless and rocky weeks. She's back!

2. Blake

I really love the song "When the Stars Go Blue" by Ryan Adams. Blake did it justice, and it really played to his strength, the sensitive voice range. If Blake gets something pop-related next week he could guarantee himself a few more weeks. For instance, what if Michael Jackson came on? Would they just feature Blake singing six songs?

1. Jordin

If I had to bet my life on a contestant, I'd go with her. The crowd adores her. She's clearly got the right mix of pipes and personality, and her looks aren't hurting her either. It will take something sex-tape catastrophic to bounce her from the finale.

Honorable mention and random thoughts:

I'm now fixated on a potential Michael Jackson appearance. I'm convinced, given the right balance of meds, he could rock the "Idol Gives Back" show next week. Oooh, or Prince! Oh no, wait, Prince doesn't speak, and last time he was on the show it seemed like the was only there for a paycheck.

See ya next week.

------------------------------------------------, also with a sensitive voice.

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