Watch Obama And Seinfeld Talk About How They Miss Being Normal Dudes Sometimes

They just want to go to the grocery store in peace. Sometimes. Sort of.

President Obama closed out 2015 by joining Jerry Seinfeld for an episode of "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee" to dive into existential questions like: Sure, it's great to have scores of fans and political supporters -- but don't you ever wish you were just a regular guy?

The weren't actually able to go and get coffee while in a car due to the national security risk, but such is #POTUSlife.


come on

In fact, Obama says that little things like that are the ones he misses about his pre-presidential days.

"I would love to just be taking a walk and I run into you, you're sitting on a bench, and suddenly I say 'Hey Jerry, how are you doing?'" Obama explains, going on to lament that "anonymity is not something that you think of as being valuable" until it's gone.


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While Obama is the first to bring up some of the drawbacks to notoriety, Seinfeld isn't afraid to be candid: Being not-famous isn't always great either -- but he clearly understands where Obama is coming from.

Sometimes you do want the freedom to leave your sprawling D.C. estate to get a cup of coffee with a famous comedian. And, of course, you'd like to go to the grocery store without being recognized, or touch your own thermostat without having to make a call. Really, it's all about the give and take.

POTUS also talks about his top polling demo and what his appeal is. (He thinks it's the ears).


love me

You can watch the full 20-minute episode here.

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