Best Thing Ever Of The Day: "Pass Me A Pen" BBC Sherlock Fanart

No, John, I didn't notice. I don't care when you go out.

by Katherine Erlikh

No, John, he didn't notice you went out. There had been great acts of science and deduction and wall mutilation to do, after all, and Sherlock Holmes is not one to put his flatmate's whereabouts before his acquisition of severed heads. However, great things do come out of Sherlock's absent-mindedness - things like this painting, for example. What painting? Oh, read on to find out...

This fanart floated up to the top of /r/Sherlock earlier this morning, and it's easily the best thing I've seen all day today. It was done by DeviantArt user RedPandaDee, and depicts the great Sherlock Holmes (as played by one Britishguy Sillyname) in the middle of one of his most seductive deductions.

There is no word on when Season 3 is coming out, and we think you should just give up guessing and not think about it. It's kind of like the dog park in that regard.


Thought of the day: Fear is the path to the cookies. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to an intense drive to succeed and overthrow your enemies, which leads to pushing them off the top of a tall building which leads to the dark side. And, you know, the dark side has cookies. You should join the dark side. It sounds quite lovely.

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