The Darkness II: Digital Extremes' Sheldon Carter Talks The Hottest Game Of The Year!

Digital Extremes Project Manager Sheldon Carter is really, really excited about The Darkness II, the upcoming video game based on the popular series of comics from Top Cow. And, according to Carter, the game's sticking to its comic book origins:

"We drew inspiration directly from the comic books. We looked at each page with its big splashes of color and high-contrast, and we wanted to bring that to the game...and I believe we have!"

While some video games may seem sort of disconnected from the comics that inspired them, Carter believes that the story of The Darkness "is actually perfect for video games, because it's really power-fantasy at its base" --

"The Darkness always had this powerful story between Jackie and Jenny that resonates with everyone...and on the flipside there's this power fantasy of being able to do anything in the dark, and the ability to punish your enemies with this power."

There's going to be plenty of mayhem and violent action in The Darkness II, cranked up a notch with the addition of a feature called "Quad Wielding" --

"You've got at your fingertips both guns and both demon arms all at the same time...It really lets you be a whirlwind of death!"

Learn more in our two-part video interview with Carter below, as well as watch the game trailer and take you first look at screenshots from the game!

Sheldon Carter Discusses 'The Darkness II'

Sheldon Carter Discusses The Comic Influences Of 'The Darkness II'

'The Darkness II' Trailer

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