Beyoncé And 'The Hunger Games' In Today's Twitter Report

In the meantime, Ben Templesmith seems to have discovered that the announcer from "The Hunger Games," Claudius Templesmith, shares a name with him. His response and reactions to Lady Gaga's performance and the return of "Doctor Who" ranked atop our favorite tweets of the last 24 hours.

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for August 29, 2011.

"The Hunger Games" pt. 1: @Templesmith Who do I sue to get my name changed in this Hunger Games thing then. There can be only one Templesmith & I'm legal bitches!

-Ben Templesmith, Writer/Artist ("30 Days of Night," "Welcome to Hoxford")

"The Hunger Games" pt. 2: @LucyKnisley Ahh! AHH! HUNGER GAMES TEASER. Give me all the Hunger Games. Give them to me now.

-Lucy Knisley, Writer/Artist ("Radiator Days," "French Milk")

"The Hunger Games" pt. 3: @faitherinhicks Of course Katniss needs some guy to tell her how strong she is, how else will she know??? :P

-Faith Erin Hicks, Writer/Artist ("Zombies Calling," "The War at Ellsmere")

@joe_hill New episode of Doc Who: funny, hypersmart, and satisfying. Bravo @steven_moffat.

-Joe Hill, Writer ("Locke and Key")

@BrianLynch Say what you want about Lady Gaga, but she brought on Brian May at the MTV Awards.

-Brian Lynch, Writer ("Angel: After the Fall," "Monkey Man Unleashed")

Beyoncé pt. 1: @MrAdamFreeman I bet Beyonce has a wind fan present in the delivery room.

-Adam Freeman, Writer ("Dark X-Men: The Beginning," "The Highwaymen")

Beyoncé pt. 2: @mrmarkmillar Can we just end the speculation now and consider this my official statement on the matter? I have nothing to do with Beyonce's pregnancy...

-Mark Millar, Writer ("Kick-Ass," "Wanted")

Beyoncé pt. 3: @McKelvie Beyonce and Jay-Z's baby is going to grow up with an insane "Uncle Kanye". Brilliant.

-Jamie McKelvie, Artist ("Phonogram," "Siege: Loki")

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