The West Memphis Three, 'Sin City' Art And 'Fright Night' In Today's Twitter Report

Some fine picto-tweets showed up today, too, with Terry Moore making a Nancy Callahan sketch post and Stan Lee sharing hangout pic with some "Glee" folks. Links to those can be found after the jump along with the number of times Christopher Mintz-Plasse plans on seeing "Fright Night" today and news that ROM: Spaceknight fans may find to be of interest.

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for August 19, 2011.

@TheRealStanLee Notice how proud the talented gang from “Glee” look! They can’t believe they put together such a successful show wi...

-Stan Lee, Writer ("Amazing Spider-Man," "Fantastic Four")

@BRIANMBENDIS for my birthday i just signed a new contract with marvel keeping me on board including icon & the movie committee for a few more years

-Brian Michael Bendis, Writer ("New Avengers," "Utlimate Spider-Man")

@TerryMoore Sin City ambassador of leather, Nancy Callahan. One of my all-time fave stories.

-Terry Moore, Writer/Artist ("Strangers in Paradise," "Echo")

West Memphis Three pt. 1: @joe_hill Would be very happy to see the West Memphis 3 spun loose. Them kids didn't do sh-- except listen to metal & paint their fingernails black.

-Joe Hill, Writer ("Locke and Key")

West Memphis Three pt. 2: @GerryDuggan Bin laden dead. Whitey Bulger found. West Memphis 3 free. Feels like America has been cancelled & the loose plot lines are being tied up.

-Gerry Duggan, Writer ("The Infinite Horizon")

@Christosgage What ROM character will show up in a future issue of AVENGERS ACADEMY?'ll have to wait until December to find out! (Not Rom.)

-Christos Gage, Writer ("Union Jack," "Absolution")

@PiaGuerra There is nothing more annoying than an unsolicited pitch sent to you with the same title as a project you're already working on. #GAAHH

-Pia Guerra, Artist ("Y: The Last Man," "Doctor Who: The Forgotten")

@MintzPlasse Up early to go watch Fright Night 17 times in theatres today. You better too.

-Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Actor ("Kick-Ass")

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