The New Spider-Man, Jim Lee's Birthday And Mike Wieringo In Today's Twitter Report

Dan Slott, meanwhile, had the opportunity to discuss Spider-Man with his exterminator. What they talked about, an excerpt from the must-read #whengirlsrundc thread, and a note on the 4-year anniversary of artist Mike Wieringo's passing were the tweets that stuck out today.

I'm @brianwarmoth, and this is the Twitter Report for August 12, 2011.

@DanSlott Just spent 5 minutes explaining to my exterminator that it was ULTIMATE Spider-Man who died, not Amazing Spider-Man. He said, "Thank God!"

-Dan Slott, Writer ("Amazing Spider-Man," "Avengers: The Initiative")

@jimlee00 It's a tradition for the kids to draw homemade cards--they always impress me w/their skills!

-Jim Lee, Artist ("Batman, "X-Men")

@CullyHamner Today's the 4th anniversary of the loss of a very, very good friend. Here's to you, Mike Wieringo. #fb

-Cully Hamner, Artist ("Red," "Blue Beetle")

@GailSimone No one fears Darkseid, but entire Justice League stands comically on a chair at unexpected mouse sighting. #whengirlsrundc

-Gail Simone, Writer ("Birds of Prey," "Wonder Woman")

@Ravengregory By far rise of the planet of the apes is the best movie of the year. Just about hands down flawless.

-Raven Gregory, Writer ("Tales from Wonderland," "The Gift")

@jock4twenty Mr @davegibbons90

-Jock, Artist ("The Losers," "Green Arrow: Year One")

@Reilly_Brown Is the printer being paid? Is the publisher? Is the editor? Is the LETTERER being paid? Then the Artist should be paid too.

-Reilly Brown, Artist ("Cable & Deadpool," "Incredible Hercules")

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