'Transformers: Dark Of The Moon' Easter Eggs: New 'Bots, Old Voices, And Comic Book Connections

The third and possibly final installment of Michael Bay's "Transformers" movie franchise arrived in theaters this week, and just like many of the superhero movies we cover here on Splash Page, it's full of call-outs to the cartoons and comics that inspired it.

That's why we decided to give "Transformers: Dark Of The Moon" the same treatment as "X-Men: First Class," "Thor," and "Green Lantern," and identify some of the cool, under-the-radar elements you'll want to look for when you head the movies. (Oh, and I'm a big nerd for giant robots, too. That's the other reason.)

Not able to watch the video? Don't worry — I've highlighted each of the elements I call out in the video below.


In the film, Rosie Huntington-Whitely replaces Megan Fox as the girlfriend of Shia LaBeouf's character, Sam Witwicky. Rosie plays a character named Carly, and while the character is new to the live-action movie universe, she actually has a long history in the "Transformers" cartoons. In the original animated series, Carly is the wife of Spike Witwicky, who Shia's character is based on.


A big element of the new movie is a mysterious spaceship that crashes on the moon. Early in the film, Optimus Prime calls the spaceship The Ark. In the original "Transformers" cartoons, The Ark is the name of the spaceship that first brought Optimus Prime and the rest of the Transformers to Earth, though it fills a slightly different role in the new film.


You might recognize the voice of one of the new Transformers in the film, Sentinel Prime, as "Star Trek" actor Leonard Nimoy. This isn't Nimoy's first time voicing one of the Robots In Disguise, as he provided the voice of Megatron's successor, Galvatron, in "Transformers: The Animated Movie" way back in 1986.


Without giving away any spoilers, a major element of the new film's plot is the Space Bridge - a device that links Earth to the Transformers' home world, Cybertron. Though the device is put to a slightly different use in the live-action movie, it's been a longstanding part of Transformers history in the cartoons and comics, allowing them to travel between the two planets.


Along with the introduction of Optimus Prime's predecessor, Sentinel Prime, in the new movie, there are also quite a few other well-known Transformers making their debut in Dark Of The Moon. They'll be hard to miss, but keep an eye out for the debut of Autobots like Wheeljack (he looks like Albert Einstein) and Mirage (the red sports car), as well as Optimus Prime's trailer. Fan-favorite Decepticon Shockwave also has a big role in the film, and so does the bird-like Lazerbeak - though he doesn't transform into a cassette tape like his cartoon counterpart.

There's going to be a lot more to discover in the film, so make sure you let us know what you find in the comment section or on Twitter!

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