Linkin Park's 'Catalyst' Video: The Key Scene

They've been gone for a minute (their last full-length album was 2007's Minutes to Midnight) working on a number of side projects (including Fort Minor and Dead by Sunrise), but Linkin Park are on their way back to reclaim their place as one of the biggest American rock bands in the world. Originally lumped in with the nü-metal phenomenon at the turn of the millennium, Linkin Park have evolved into a powerful combo who infuse their powerful rock riffs with all types of experimental electronic details. When you think about it, they're sort of like the American U2 -- a comparison they would probably welcome, especially if the "With or Without You"-biting track "Shadow of the Day" is any indication.

Their new album A Thousand Suns is set to hit stores next month, the album's first single "The Catalyst" just had its video premiere late last night on MTV. Linkin Park have always taken the visual side of their band very seriously. Their album covers are always works of art, and their videos always employ a striking visual style that moves and shifts with their interests and obsessions. "The Catalyst" is no different. While it lacks any real narrative, there are a handful of eye-popping images that play nicely into the song's unconventional structure and envelope-pushing energy and rhythms. There's a lot of smoke, plenty of water and dozens of slow-motion shots of thrashing and rage. There are also a handful of playful mirror effects using both the water and strange angles against an actual mirror. In the clip's key scene, we get this strange, somewhat off-putting shot of a double mouth.

It's actually a great distillation of the clip as a whole: It's visually striking, somewhat mysterious, just a little frightening and wholly Linkin Park. Welcome back, boys. You were missed.

What do you think of Linkin Park's new video for "The Catalyst"? Let us know in the comments!

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