14 GIFs That'll Get You Shaking For The 'Tremors' TV Reboot

Prepare to tremble with excitement.

Old Stumpy's coming back to shake things up in the desert again.

If you haven't seen the 1990 comedy horror film "Tremors" (which only earns that comedy desciptor based on the sheer ridiculousness of its wormy monsters -- it was otherwise absolutely terrifying), well, it's high time for a stream scream.

Fair warning, though; this movie might make you avoid stepping foot on the ground for a loooong time -- until you inevitably have to give up your floor embargo to use the bathroom and/or stay hydrated, at which point you'll do the hop-step maneuver as quietly as possible, guaranteed.

But it'll be totally worth it because (1) the movie is so terrible it's amazing and (2) Kevin Bacon is going to star in and executive produce a TV series reboot of the now-25-year-old thriller, and we are six degrees of shudder right now.

For the uninitiated, the movie revolves around earthquake-inducing ground worms that are enormous and deadly and have a series of snake-tongue things that can and will destroy you in the matter of seconds.

They can't break through giant boulders, of course, but they can invade the foundations of buildings and pretty much everything else, so barely anywhere is safe. Oh, and they use sound to pinpoint your exact location so they can execute the ground-breaking sneak attack without you having a clue they're coming ... except for that rumbling little feeling of course.

OK, now that you've had that preparatory/refresher session, here are some GIFs to get you even more vibing about this news.

Kevin Bacon's character's name was/is named Valentine McKee.

Universal Pictures

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He was a humble dude who rolled into town with a guy named Earl (Fred Ward) and found a guy who'd climbed up an electricity poll.

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At first they were pretty jokey about it, like rock paper scissors who has to go up after him?

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But then things started getting really weird.

Universal Pictures

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Eventually they got a solid look at the puppet-mastered baddie in all his/her gross glory.

Universal Pictures

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JIC you didn't get a good enough angle on those snakes that are ready to eat everyone within earshot. Agh!

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They're quick and lethal and terrible.

Universal Pictures

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That's when they started using their brains to get from one safe spot to another.

Universal Pictures

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And taught the townsfolk that pogo sticks are inadvisable in these kinda situations.

Universal Pictures

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And if you get taken, no one's coming after you. Sorrryyyy lady.

Universal Pictures

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That basement wall is kid stuff for this creature, JSYK.

Universal Pictures

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And even when you get one, there'll be disgusting consequences.

Universal Pictures

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The cliff trick does work well, however.

Universal Pictures

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Got 'em!

Universal Pictures

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