Celine Dion's Tribute To Paris Was Gutwrenchingly Gorgeous

The iconic singer chose Edith Piaf’s “Hymne A L’amour" to honor the fall victims of Paris.

There were many memorable ~moments~ that happened during the 2015 American Music Awards on Sunday (Nov. 22), but none moved the audience and at-home viewers more than when Celine Dion took the stage to perform her vocal tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks on Paris, France which rocked the entire world in their wake.

Dion, who hails from the French-speaking Canadian town of Charlemagne, Quebec, chose to sing Edith Piaf’s “Hymne A L’amour" to honor those lost, wounded, or otherwise affected by the attacks, and the performance proved to be just as emotional -- if not more so -- than expected.

Celine's stellar performance wasn't the only powerful part of that tribute, however.

Jared Leto introduced the iconic singer with his own moving speech about his experience playing with his band, 30 Seconds to Mars, at the Bataclan just a few months before the location was sieged by terrorists, claiming the lives of dozens of civilian concert goers.

In his speech, Leto quoted a letter published by Antoine Leiris, whose wife was killed in the attack on Bataclan, saying in part, "We are two, my son and I, but we are stronger than all the armies of the world."

Leto also went through a list of places and people that matter, concluding that "the entire world matters and peace is possible," and also used the platform to share his view that the Syrian immigration crisis response which has arisen as a result of the attacks is contrary to our history and tranditions,

"Many of us here are the sons and daughters of immigrants," he said before listing out a few noteworthy examples of children of immigrants who have become important figures in our country, including President Barack Obama and Steve Jobs.

With a moving speech, @JaredLeto introduces a very special #AMAs performance by @celinedion.

— AMAs (@TheAMAs) November 23, 2015

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