'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2' DLC Gets 30-Day Head Start

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Way back when the "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" Xbox 360 bundles were announced, Activision acknowledged that no PS3 equivalent was in the works, and it wasn't hard to see that the game had picked its primary platform partner. Now, 360 owners are about to see another perk -- 30-day advance access to "MW2" DLC.

"We have a 30-day timed exclusive on the Modern Warfare content packs," a spokesperson for Microsoft told Eurogamer. "So it will be available on other platforms, but you get to try and play on Xbox 360 first."

The fact that the 360 would be getting first dibs on DLC for "MW2" hasn't been a secret. The company had already revealed that they would be getting the first two map packs -- or "expansion packs," if that's now the correct marketing parlance of our time --as timed exclusives. But a month-long window is definitely news.

The exact launch day for new DLC hasn't publicly been set in stone yet, but it's expected to appear sometime this spring. So wait for the date, and if you don't see the PS3 or PC mentioned, just mark your calendar for 30 days later.

Are you a happy 360 owner who's happy to hear this news? Are you growling because you play "MW2" on the PS3 or PC? Sound off in the comment section below.

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