The 'Wayne's World' SNL Reunion Has Us Craving Another Sequel

While the various movie trailers shown throughout the Super Bowl were obviously the highlight of the weekend, you may have missed out on another major movie event on Saturday night. Need a hint? Here's a pretty obvious one: it's Wayne's World! Wayne's World! Party time! Excellent!

The hilarious basement-dwelling duo of Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar reunited for the first time in years this past weekend when Dana Carvey hosted "Saturday Night Live." The night kicked off with a surprise reunion between Carvey and Mike Myers' long-haired alter egos, with Wayne and Garth still equipped with their signature bathroom-humor-fueled insight as they analyzed this year's Oscar contenders.

Of the many motion pictures up for consideration at the Academy Awards this year, Wayne and Garth favored dark horse pick "Winter's Bone" for each of the categories it's nominated for, including Best Supporting Actor for John Hawkes, Best Actress for Jennifer Lawrence and Best Picture. What fueled their picks, you ask? Let's just say it has a little something to do with a juvenile reading of the second part of the film's title. Needless to say, beyond a few extra wrinkles, the years haven't changed Wayne or Garth one bit.

Honestly, as much fun as it was to see Wayne and Garth together again, their brief reunion was something of a tease for those of us holding out hope for a longer, feature-length meeting of those minds. Almost 20 years have passed since "Wayne's World 2," so the timing is pretty close to perfect for an anniversary threequel, don't you think? And hey, if Bill and Ted can get together again for another big screen journey, why can't Wayne and Garth? We'll admit that it's a long shot, but we're keeping our strands of red rump licorice crossed all the same.

Would you want to see another "Wayne's World" movie? What did you think of Wayne and Garth's "SNL" reunion? Let us know in the comments section and on Twitter!

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