Elijah Wood Names James McAvoy As His Pick For Bilbo Baggins In 'The Hobbit'

The fantastic performance by Elijah Wood in Peter Jackson's adaptation of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy has set the bar for hobbit roles everywhere. Well before Frodo there was Bilbo, star of Guillermo del Toro's upcoming adaptation of "The Hobbit." When MTV's Josh Horowitz spoke to Wood at Sundance this week, he asked the "Rings" star who his pick would be for the as-yet-uncast role.

"I honestly love the initial rumor from way back when, which was James McAvoy," he said.

He's not alone. As anyone who saw and enjoyed "Wanted" knows, McAvoy is able to capture the right blend of bumbling goofiness and reflexive courage that is so necessary to capturing the Bilbo Baggins character.

"I think he would be fantastic," Wood said. "I'm a fan of his work and I think he's the right age and I think that he has a quality to him that could fit quite nicely with what Ian Holm did in the first movie."

Who is your pick for Bilbo? Do you agree with Wood; is McAvoy the right choice?

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