'Twilight' Poster Photographer To Continue Working On Franchise

Like Edward Cullen eyeballing a deer in the middle of the woods, you can be forgiven if you drool a bit while looking at the first official "Twilight" poster. It's an MTV exclusive, it's a thing of beauty, and it was photographed by 18-year-old wunderkind Joey Lawrence.

You can read our interview with Joey over on the MTV Movies page, but here's an extra-juicy bit of news: Lawrence has signed on to shoot all the posters for "Twilight." When I was on the set recently, virtually everyone I spoke with brought up plans for sequels, and if those dreams come true Joey would likely return as well. (Click the poster for the high-rez version!)


"Yeah," he told us recently, swinging by our Santa Monica offices. "I'll be doing all the next movies."

Lawrence knew that the first poster had to focus on the key relationship of Edward and Bella, and said he'd like to keep the subsequent images focused on the characters and their couplings.

"I think they'll probably be keeping the mood pretty dark and edgy still," he said of his plan. "I've read the first script, and I know what happens in the next books just from talking to the actors, so the mood might change a little bit, but the style will stay the same."

Lawrence also revealed that he's been meeting with "Twilight" director Catherine Hardwicke, so that they can synchronize their overall plan.

"I think it's going to be interesting with her," insisted Lawrence, who hopes to become a director himself someday. "When I read the script, I realized this is not her kind of movie. Because she's done like 'Lords of Dogtown' and 'Thirteen,' so when I read the script I was kind of like, 'That's a vampire movie,' but then to find out that she was doing something with it, I think it's going to be different than just a normal kind of teenage love story. I think it might be interesting to see."

We'd expect nothing less, right Twilighters? I want to read the thoughts of each and every one of you (and believe me, we all do!), so here's your TT question of the week: Is the poster, better, worse, or exactly as you imagined? What, if anything, would you have done differently than Joey?

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