Nicki Minaj, Where Are You?

I miss you.

Nicki Minaj has mastered the art of social media.

On Twitter, she retweets fans incessantly, quotes their tweets and answers them (often with heavy emoji use), shares vines, videos and memes of herself and links to her Instagram. On Insta, she keeps fans up-to-date with a healthy mix of concert performance photos, sexy selfies and elegant portraits, Meek Mill-related pics and vids and screenshots of promotional news and tweets.

These are like cheatsheets for staying on top of what and how Nicki is doing. But she's been absent for the last week, which made me wonder, Where are you, Nicki?

Now, maybe you're thinking, Hey, that's not that long of a time. And I agree. It's not. I haven't posted on Instagram in a week, either. And neither has Kendrick Lamar -- but he's got four posts total. Nicki isn't one of those artists who pops up online only sparingly; she's usually around when we're looking.

This isn't a demand -- or, really, even a request -- that Nicki returns to Twitter and Instagram. I'm sure constantly sharing can get a bit exhausting and everyone, Ms. Minaj included, certainly deserves and is entitled to a break whenever they see fit. Unplugging can be refreshing.

Still, it's got me pondering where she might be. Some options:

Watching online videos about woodworking.

Catching up on "Serial" (after hearing that Andan Syed is getting a new hearing) and needing to finally find out what the hype is about.

In a digital black hole looking at Nicki Minaj-related products on Etsy, perpetually flip-flopping between wanting to sue for using her likeness without permission and being impressed with paintings like this.



Binging on Aziz Ansari's new Netflix show, "Master of None." Everyone's talking about it.

In Queens, taking the month off to go home for Thanksgiving.

Driving in the car with Meek listening to The Weeknd.

Working on her new album, because we can wish, right?

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X Games Presents Nicki Minaj In Concert

Napping. If I were as busy as she is, that's definitely what I'd do. It's pretty much what I do despite not being as busy as she is.



We'll be ready for you whenever you decide to come back, Nicki.

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