This Thoughtful Barber Found The Perfect Way To Give An Autistic Boy A Haircut

Going to the barber is supposed to be relaxing. This guy gets it.

James Williams, a barber in South Wales, been trying to cut his young client Mason's hair for the last two months. This has been difficult because Mason is on the autism spectrum and is not so much a fan of having scissors too close to his ears, Williams wrote on his Facebook page.

But when Mason visited Jim the Trim -- Williams' barber shop -- on Tuesday (Nov. 3), Williams was able to get Mason to allow him to cut his hair by literally getting on his level. Instead of trying to cut Mason's hair in a chair, Williams allowed the young boy to lie on the floor while he crouched down with him and gave him a trim. He then posted the pictures to his Facebook account, and his heartwarming story quickly made big waves.

Hundreds of parents of autistic kids across the world commended Williams for his considerate behavior, leaving positive comments on his photos.

"I'm astonished at the impact it has made for families across the globe," Williams told ABC News. "It's amazing how it's touched so many people, but I'm glad and I hope it brings awareness for other barbers. I hope they'll take a different approach to giving haircuts for people with ASD."

H/T BuzzFeed

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