Toilet Papering Houses Is Out, Seances Are In On Mischief Night…According To The Vamps

Plus 4 other things you can do on mischeif night...without causing mischief.

With Halloween just nine days away, some of you may be putting the finishing (or starting) touches on your costumes and stocking up on candy, but some may be planning for another big October night: Mischief Night.

As you probably know, Mischief Night is basically an informal holiday, where kids take to their neighborhood streets the night before Halloween to toilet paper trees, throw eggs at mailboxes and houses, and just generally cause... well... mischief.

But there are plenty of other things to do on mischief night besides wrecking havoc in your hometown. Here to give you some suggestions are British band The Vamps.

The guys stopped by recently to share their top 5 things to do on mischief night (besides causing mischief), which include having a seance and pre-painting your face with your costume make-up. Check out the video!

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