Only Lauren Conrad Could Pull Off A Punny Halloween Costume We Don't Hate

Lauren Conrad is, undeniably, the DIY queen of Halloween. Last year, she glued shells to a bra to become a mermaid. In 2013, she, somehow, turned a pile of tulle into a Tooth Fairy costume. We, obviously, had high expectations for this year and, as always, LC delivered.

Drumroll, please.

Lauren Conrad

She's a party animal! Well, actually, she and three friends are party animals, all in costumes crafted by Lauren. On her website, Lauren describes the group costume as "equal parts chic and wild," which is A.) true, and B.) the ideal combination for a costume.

Lauren Conrad

And because LC is the best, she not only creates her entire costume, but also shares the step-by-step process for her fans to follow for themselves. If you're crafty, creating the antlers and fur-trimmed shoes will pose no problem—if you're not, then you can just buy a pair of antlers, throw on a neutral dress, and call it a night.

Thanks for the inspo, LC—Halloween would be a lot more store-bought without you.

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