Matthew McConaughey's Transformation Into Baldy McDadbod Is Complete

We're pretty sure that's Matthew McConaughey. Probably.

It's no secret that Matthew McConaughey is capable of pushing his body to the limit in order to meet the physical demands of a role, from dropping 40 pounds for "Dallas Buyers Club" to growing the world's most alarming beard for "The Free State of Jones."

But his latest transformation is a whole new frontier. Um, especially in the hairline area.

The actor turned up this weekend in New York City, where he's filming "Gold," with an epic dadbod and an incredible case of male pattern baldness.

Steve Sands/GC

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - October 04, 2015

No, you're not hallucinating. He's basically unrecognizable...

Steve Sands/GC

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - October 04, 2015

...Except from certain angles. Sort of. That is Matthew McConaughey's smile, right?

Josiah Kamau/BuzzFoto/Getty

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - October 04, 2015

He also disproved in one fell swoop the theory that no physical incarnation of Matthew McConaughey could ever be unsexy, which was previously thought to be one of the top three inviolable laws of the universe.

Steve Sands/GC

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - October 04, 2015

And weirder still: The less Matthew McConaughey looks like himself, the more he looks like Woody Harrelson.

Steve Sands/GC

Matthew McConaughey

In short, the very fabric of existence is tearing apart, and nothing makes sense anymore.

Steve Sands/GC

Matthew McConaughey

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