Do You Notice Anything Unusual About Alli Simpson's 'Notice Me' Video? Like, A Cameo From Big Brother Cody Simpson?

Watch Alli Simpson's "Notice Me" video, featuring a cameo from brother Cody Simpson!

Alli's struggle to get a guy's attention has gotta be fictional.

You'd think that if you were a blonde bombshell model like Alli Simpson, then it would be super easy to get all kinds of attention in life. However, in her new music video for "Notice Me," we learn that even the flawless have trouble getting their crush's attention. (Though FTR, we're still not completely convinced that this video is true to Alli's life -- because, um, LOOK UP.)

Oh, and as if watching the super adorbz 15-year-old Aussie wasn't amazing enough, how about this for a twofer: Alli's older brother, Cody Simpson, even makes a cameo. This is just TOO MUCH swoon-worthy Simpson action!

Watch Alli Simpson's "Notice Me" video after the jump.

Fictional or not, the Young Astronauts-directed "Notice Me" is all about Alli's struggle to capture her crush's eye. So what does she do? Send the bro a Facebook poke? LOL, no. She attempts to woo him outside his window by waving, dancing, hurling stuff, and even breaking out a flawless impression of John Cusack in "Say Anything." (Do your research if you don't understand this reference. If you need me, I'll be weeping in the corner.)

Unfortunately, the guy's just not biting. So Alli brings in the big guns -- and yes, we ARE talking about Cody Simpson's gun show-level arm muscles. But even the "All Day" singer dressed up as a member of the marching band fails to grab Alli's crush's attention. (GOT OURS!) In the end, it just takes Alli on a beach doing absolutely nothing for him to notice her. Ugh, #irony.

So, what have we learned from Alli's "Notice Me" video? Two things: 1.) Some guys are just oblivious. 2.) Flawlessness most def runs through every branch in the Simpson family tree.

+ Watch Alli Simpson's "Notice Me" video.

Photo credit: So Alli Records

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