Star Spotting: This Photo Of The Wanted's Max George Posing As Miley Cyrus In 'Wrecking Ball' Is EVERYTHING!

Max George posing as Miley in her "Wrecking Ball" video wins EVERYTHING.

Wonder if Max George's bum's a little chilly on that cold-looking "Wrecking Ball"?

First, we owe y'all a big apology. Somehow this photo of The Wanted's Max George happily perched atop Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball" IN THE BUFF has existed for nearly two days, and it's taken us this long to bring it to you. So, yeah, SORRY!!!! Then again, isn't this gorge Max George visual the best apology gift in all the land? OBVIOUSLY YES.

So, here's the story: Some Wanted stan had the BRILLIANT idea of Photoshopping one of the photos from Max's zero clothes-themed shoot for AXM magazine (he posed in support of cancer research back in 2008!) right onto a still from Ms. Milez's record-breaking clip. Then, the photo was tweeted to all members of The Wanted, but it was the eagle-eyed Siva who pointed out the tweet to the rest of the "Show Me Love" singers.

On that note, are any of you ride-or-die Wanted fans out there adept at GIF-making? Because we'd straight LOSE OUR ISH if we could see a moving image of Max licking a sledgehammer and/or gyrating on a cannonball like it was his day job. If not, we guess an OK consolation prize would be if The Wanted used this genius image as the cover art for their forthcoming album, Word Of Mouth. Up to you guys! #MAXONTHEWRECKINGBALL.

Photo credit: @MaijaKoko

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