Someone Made A Guitar That's Also A Game Boy, And It's Insanely Rad

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Guitar Boy.

What if there were a way to play an instrument while simultaneously playing a video game? That's exactly what Fibbef set out to do when he entered the BitFix Gaming 2015 Game Boy Classic Build-Off. His submission was the Guitar Boy, a fully functional Game Boy with a guitar built around it.

The competition began Jun. 12 and ended Sept. 14. Fibbef meticulously logged his work, illustrating how one would even go about creating his or her own Guitar Boy.

fibbef s / YouTube

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According to Comicbook, the contraption "includes a handmade A/B/Start/Select buttons as well as a D-pad made from wood," thus making the Game Boy playable. Based on the shirt he's wearing, it's no surprise the cartridge loaded up is one of the Pokémon games.

Fibbef made a video that explains how Guitar Boy works. (Spoiler: It'll make you want one ASAP.) Check it out below.

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