Watch Zach Galifianakis Lose His Chill Over Soda In First 'Baskets' TV Teaser

He said Schweppes!!!

The last time we saw a soda-induced meltdown of this magnitude, it was the Farva litre of cola flip-out incident from 2001's "Super Troopers" -- unless you count all the backlash from that "Mad Men" series ending scene this spring, that is.

Almost 15 years later, though, and surprise! The soft drink rage set-up still totally works for a good snorty laugh.

Behold, the first clip from Zach Galifianakis' new TV show -- "Baskets," which features the "Between Two Ferns" comedian as Chip Baskets, a clown school dropout who has to work at a California rodeo and, apparently, can't get down with just any old carbonated drink at the drive-through.

Piece of advice? It's probably best not to be sipping on your soda after you click play. Unless you've got a waterproof screen, of course.

The series, which Galifianakis partnered with Louis C.K. to create, will clearly play on Zach G's signature grip on awkward situational humor, and, given the downtrodden circumstances of his on-screen counterpart, the results will probably be pretty hilarious.

"Baskets" will air in January, 2016 on FX.

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