Will Smith Will Make Your Head Hurt In The NFL Movie 'Concussion': Watch

This trailer's going to make you want to put on a helmet.

If there's one thing America love more than football, it's watching dramatic and stirring stories about football -- like "Remember The Titans," "Rudy" or "Friday Night Lights."

But judging from the trailer that was released today (August 31), "Concussion" will be unlike any movie or TV show about football we've seen before. Because we're not cheering for the players on the field anymore -- we're cheering for the people trying to save them.

Inspired by a GQ that shocked the sports-loving world in 2009, the film stars Will Smith as Dr. Bennet Omalu, the doctor who first discovered the damaging neurological after-effects of repetitive head trauma in football players. Omalu must convince the NFL, led by Commissioner Roger Goodall (Luke Wilson), to acknowledge his work on what he calls chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and accept responsibility for their permanently injured players.

"Concussion" hits theaters December 25, 2015.

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