Harry Styles' Man Bun Process Is 5 Parts And Totally Mesmerizing

We've been keeping a close eye on Harry Styles' man bun ever since he debuted it last summer. While we were #blessed enough to watch him put it up on stage last year, his hair, if you haven't noticed, has grown several inches since then (watch the brand new "Drag Me Down" video if you don't believe me).

Fortunately, the One Direction gods have smiled upon us once again and an On The Road Again Tour attendee captured the process in full (from behind!). Given the added length and, I guess, heft, Harry has updated his process and, TBH, it deserves a closer look.


Gather all the hair

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Harry Styles

Make sure you have ALL of it

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Harry Styles

Wrap your hair tie around once

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Harry Styles

And then twice, but don't pull the hair all the way through

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Harry Styles

Pull that bad boy apart for volume

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Harry Styles

Ta-da! You have a beautiful bun.

If you want to watch the full clip in all its man bun glory, here ya go. Enjoy!

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