29 Secrets We Learned From 'The Walking Dead' Season 5 Blu-Ray

Wait, Carl initially killed Daryl?!?!

Just when you thought that repeated viewings from your DVR gave you everything you needed to know about "The Walking Dead" season five, in comes "The Walking Dead: The Complete Fifth Season" DVD and Blu-ray sets to prove you dead wrong.

The full set won't be released to the public until August 25, but MTV News just pored over the hours of deleted scenes, featurettes, and more to give you a small taste of all of the goodness offered up in "The Complete Fifth Season."

Here are 29 of the juiciest bits we learned:

In "No Sanctuary," there were actually four explosions used to get the look of Carol's big bang.



... And they picked the rest of their shots based on where the wind blew the smoke.

In "Strangers," they put finger-paint and cork in that water to make sludge.


Or as Andrew Lincoln calls it, "poop."

The water-logged walkers were made out of foam rubber.

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Their eyes are glued-on vacuum formed shells, with pin holes in them for sight.

There were 11 of them total, plus one puppet -- the one that pops up and grabs Bob, and is bludgeoned by Sasha -- that was powered by a controller.

Gabriel's church was built from scratch.


Over the summer hiatus!

Also, Rick went DARK with Gabriel, in a deleted scene.



In a cut scene, Rick basically tells Gabriel he would have tortured him if he hadn't offered up the info on starving out his parishioners. But he also says it's all gravy, in the grand scheme of things: "You did what you did because you were afraid to die. Don't stop now."

Most of the blood splatter you saw when the Grimes gang killed the Terminus gang was "movie magic."

Gene Page/AMC


The Grimes Gang were actually bludgeoning wooden blocks with (fake) blood inside, not people.

In "Slabtown," they built the three-story elevator shaft from scratch instead of using the one in the preexisting hospital location.



Also, Tyler James Williams did not enjoy his harness very much at all.

In "Self Help," a special jet was designed to make the firehose stream less intense for the walker extras.



They also had to wear silicon masks so they could be hit right in the face.

In "Consumed," Norman Reedus had a "scary day."

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Reedus said the big van drop felt like being at the top of a roller coaster right before you drop down. And yes, it was really dropped -- while the actors weren't in it -- and had weights up front so it wouldn't keep landing upside down. (Like it did the first time they tried it.)

... But he also loved the episode, for allowing him to learn and grow with Carol.

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Norman says Carol reminds Daryl that "he's growing up... and he's sort of doing the same thing to her."

"They give each other these little gifts," he added, referring to the scenes in the women's shelter. "It's one of the things keeping each other sort-of human inside."

In "Crossed," those horrific, melted bodies on the asphalt came about when the gang wanted to combine burnt walkers (which they'd already done, many times) with waterlogged walkers, for a different sort of visceral affect.

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And the roadkill effect was created by actors lying in holes in the pavement -- which you can find out more about from our interview with the episode's stunt coordinator.

... And Norman REALLY loved that zombie-skull kill.


According to the actor, multiple stunt guys took part in that scene, because of the sheer force of the Norm-pain.

"[Norman] kept coming over and sort of leaning over my shoulder just like he was in October's 'Zombie Slayer of the Month,'" Lincoln recalled. "I don't know what goes on in his brain."

Also, maybe not EVERYONE in Dawn's group was so awful, after all...



In a deleted scene from "Crossed," we see a stakeout convo between police officers Bob Lamson and Amanda Shepherd, and in "Coda," we see the staff agonize over whether or not to treat an elderly patient who refuses to be treated for his broken hip. Both scenes show that Dawn's people are people when it really comes down to it, but... shrug.

In "Coda," the special effects team really wanted Beth to have a classy, not-so-bloody death, as to not draw away from the emotional moment that was happening.

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Lincoln said the shot of Norman carrying out Emily Kinney's body was "the worst," and "so unbelievably sad... but that's our show. It's rough." He also consoled Kinney by telling her that she was so good and relatable, that it made her worthy of this big, emotional death.

Actually, it was so sad that a big group hug was needed midway to keep the emotions in check.

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... And you'll probably cry when you see Gale Anne Hurd and Greg Nicotero pay tribute to Kinney on this Blu-ray set. Sniff.

In "What's Happened and What's Going On," Chad Coleman wore a prosthetic with blood tubes inside it to produce the bleeding arm effect.

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Also, one of the Walkers who attacked him was a makeup guy, who also attacked Carl in 409 last year.

Hurd thought that Tyreese would be safe in season five.


... But the weight of the losses, and how it was affecting him, just made his untimely demise make sense. (An earlier Tyreese might not have paused to look at the pic of Noah's brothers.)

In "Them," the ravine the walkers were tossed into was digitally enhanced to look bigger.



Also, the ground was padded and scoured for rocks beforehand, so the stunt actors could fall safely.

In "The Distance," a shotgun blank was used in lieu of a real flare when the actual actors were around.


The real stuff was reserved for a dummy, but the makeup team DID do their research to see what kind of stuff would ooze out of a real eye that came in contact with a flare.

In "Remember," chicken skin was hung on the chain to look like Aiden's trophy walker -- and on the stunt guy's arm, itself.

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According to Alanna Masterson, who had to rip the skin off, it felt like "wetter play-dough."

Also in "Remember," everyone had first day jitters.



In another cut scene, we see a montage of everyone going to their first day of work -- Abraham peacefully heading to the wall, Rosita showing up at Pete's, Maggie having a happy meeting with Deanna, and Eugene arriving at the solar panels.

Also, we see more from Rick's filmed interview with Deanna, and his first night of sleep in his brand new bed.

In "Forget," Lincoln called the cocktail party one of the "trippiest days" he's ever had on set.

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"Seeing people laughing and chatting over cocktails was something I never thought would happen in the apocalypse."

Also in "Forget," Daryl couldn't get with the program.



We saw a bit of this play out on the show, but man, Daryl just could not get on board with the whole food and water thing. In a cut scene, he see him telling Carol and Rick he's going out to hunt for food, to which Carol replies: "We have food, Daryl." (He still goes.)

In "Spend," Tyler James Williams was freaked out by his death dummy, which was life-casted to look exactly like him.


Must not be fun, watching your face get torn apart like that. Can't blame you, buddy.

Also in "Spend," Abraham was kind of depressed.



Abraham can't get out of bed in a deleted bit, where he admits to Rosita that he's "having a real hard time pulling it together," and can't imagine going outside the wall without freaking out. She gives him a pep talk... then he immediately coaxes her to have sex, because "work is a greedy whore and it can wait its turn."

Eugene realized once and for all in "Spend" that he doesn't know s--t.



At least, these are his words in a scene between Eugene and Glenn in the van after Noah's death, where Eugene promises he "will not hesitate" if Satan Nicholas wakes up and tries anything.

In "Try," Lincoln did most of his fight-stunts... but not the jump through the window, which was performed by two stunt doubles.



"We weren't allowed to go through the window, sadly," Lincoln explains. "I was desperate... they wouldn't let me."

In "Conquer," everyone was impressed AF at how quickly Lennie James picked up his staff skills.


"The good thing is that stunt people bounce," James joked. "They don't break very easily."

The homes in Alexandria are real -- and some are even occupied.



In the "Making of Alexandria" special, it's revealed that using a pre-existing development and building onto it was way, way cheaper than building the entire neighborhood from scratch. It took about sixteen weeks total to get it ready, from initial planning to shooting -- and a whole lot went in to preparing the wall, as it had to be safe and not TOO unsightly for the development's actual paying residents.

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