William Shatner Asked Justin Bieber To Follow Him On Twitter And We Have Questions

New bromance in the making?

"Star Trek" master William Shatner kicked off his August by randomly asking music sensation Justin Bieber to follow him on Twitter "for a moment."

Die-hard fans of Bieber were understandably confused because Shatner made it look like just an "Ask and you shall receive" kind of deal. People beg Bieber to follow him daily, asking multiple times to no avail. Then Shatner just up and does it one time and that's all she wrote.

The more important question here isn't why Shatner wanted Bieber to follow him at all, but rather why he only wanted him to follow him for a moment. Is it just to DM Bieber something, then Shatner's all like, "Peace. I'm out, Biebs. Smell ya later"? Shatner's phrasing is just way too weird and random to handle.

Turns out, Shatner DID shoot Bieber a DM a few hours later, and Bieber responded accordingly.

Based on Shatner's Twitter cover photo, it appears that he's competing in Misha Collins's epic scavenger hunt GISHWHES. If you're wondering why #TeamShatner is suddenly popping up on your Twitter feed, that's why.

William Shatner

GISHWHES William Shatner

William Shatner's Twitter cover photo

Shatner's pretty confident he and his team are going to win (and based on how quickly Bieber responded, it looks like he might).

But, what if GISHWHES wasn't the reason Shatner wanted to speak with Bieber? (Yeah yeah, it IS the reason, but we're about to use our imaginations here.) Before Bieber revealed his #TeamShatner tweet, we came up with some ~fairly plausible~ reasons why Shatner would need to speak with Bieber ASAP. Enjoy.

Shatner Wanted To Know If Bieber Was Interested In Being The New "Halloween" Mask

Compass International Pictures

Halloween Michael Myers

Apparently, the iconic mask Michael Myers wore in the 1978 slasher hit "Halloween," was really just a William Shatner mask painted white. With a "Halloween" reboot already in the works, maybe Shatner wants to pass the torch on to someone new?

Shatner Wanted To Be Featured In One Of Bieber's New Songs


William Shatner Funny or Die

Shatner's unique style of singing is basically just speaking the lyrics — in essence, talking with music playing in the background. However, he's taken it in stride, and it's now one of the many things people love about him. But you know, he might want to actually be taken seriously as a musician, and if anyone can get people behind Shatner the Singer, it's Bieber.

Shatner Wanted To Tell Bieber To Stop Making Bad Choices

Miami-Dade Police Department via Getty Images

Justin Bieber - Mug shot

Bieber's had issues with various countries, including: Argentina, Canada, U.S., The Netherlands, Turkey, Poland, Germany, and Brazil. Perhaps Shatner wants to act as a father figure and steer Bieber back onto the straight and narrow path?

Shatner Wanted Bieber To Be In The New "Star Trek" Film

Paramount Pictures

Star Trek - Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto

Actually, I'm not sure why he'd want this — nor if he could even make it happen — but the idea of Bieber floating around in space with Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto would be quite a site to see, no?

Shatner Wanted A Horse-Riding Partner

Michael Bezjian / WireImage

William Shatner at Reigning Competition at the Del Mar Equestrian Center

Apparently, Shatner is an avid equestrian. Maybe he thought Bieber would be into that life and offered to show him the ropes?

Either way, Shatner learned something pretty important during this whole ordeal, a lesson we all should be reminded of from time to time.

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