'Walking Dead' Cast Chooses Sides In The Season 6 Civil War

Andrew Lincoln and Steven Yeun draw the battle lines.

War is coming to "The Walking Dead." If that wasn't clear with the amazing San Diego Comic-Con poster, or the jaw-dropping trailer for season six, it was definitely confirmed when MTV sat down with the cast and producers of the show at Comic-Con.

...Or was it? Because though Rick's (Andrew Lincoln) side is clear -- he's with Rick, naturally -- as Steven Yeun pointed out, "Walking Dead" is rarely about black and white.

"It is going to be an astounding roller coaster ride," Danai Gurira added. "Is this the same Morgan that we met in 'Clear'? Maybe not. Is this the same Rick that was in 'Clear'? Maybe not."

Sonequa Martin-Green, who plays Sasha on the show, agreed, saying that she was intrigued by how far the show will push the two differing viewpoints.

"How far can you go with the way Morgan sees things?" Martin-Green mused. "Especially now, as depraved as the world has become."

Producer David Alpert had a very different take, though. "Everything could be working out smoothly! There could be picnics, and barbecues... I just want to put that out there."

Yeah, we're familiar with your "Walking Dead" barbecues, Alpert.


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