Watch The Insane 'Walking Dead' Season 6 Trailer Now

Is that my jaw I see on the floor?

After months of withdrawals, the thousands of "Walking Dead" fans lucky enough to nab a spot in the show's packed Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con were treated to a treat tastier than Carl's pudding: the brand new season six trailer!

Watch as Rick (Andrew Lincoln), Daryl (Norman Reedus), Morgan (Lennie James), Deanna (Tovah Feldshuh), and the rest of the Grimes Gang deal with their Alexandria new normal below -- if, you know, "normal" to you is all of Alexandria uniting against Rick and Morgan teaming up with the Alexandrians to stop him. If "normal" to you is Daryl facing off against The Wolves in the woods. If "normal" to you is a flaming Walker being thrown over the Alexandria fence.

The new season of "The Walking Dead" premieres on Sunday, October 11 at 9pm ET, with a 90-minute long episode.

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