Sometimes Fashion Designer Lindsay Lohan Reveals Latest Collaboration Is Less Leggings, More Fringe

If your closet has been feeling especially devoid of tassels and fringe lately, Lindsay Lohan is here to save you. This collab with Lavish Alice is LiLo's third major fashion collab—she launched her 6126 leggings line in 2008 with Kristi Kaylor and collaborated with Civil Clothing late last year on her"My Addiction" capsule collection for PacSun—and, it seems, as a now-experienced designer, Lindsay decided to highlight hanging stuff wherever she could.

Lavish Alice

Lindsay Lohan

There's this navy blazer with tassels all over it.

Lavish Alice

Lindsay Lohan

There's a shirt and short set featuring netting AND tassels.

Lavish Alice

Lindsay Lohan

And, in her boldest design, a black mini dress with long—very long—fringe hanging from the sleeves. (Pssst, peep her shoes—I'm not kidding, she put fringe everywhere.)

You can check out the full collection, including a head-to-toe sweater set, on Lavish Alice's website.

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