Love Taylor Swift? These Lawmakers Seeking Re-election Sure Hope So

There'll be a "Blank Space" in your bank account.

Certain lawmakers are hoping that you like donating to political campaigns just as much as you like that classic red lip thing. At least four legislators are offering invitations to take in a Taylor Swift concert by their sides as incentive to donate to their campaigns, according to the Washington Post.

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.) and Rep. Cheri Bustos (D-Ill.) are all inviting donors to "Shake It Off" with them at Tay's July 13 concert at Nationals Stadium for the enticing price of $2,500 (equivalent to buying 192 copies of "1989" on iTunes, in case you were curious).

It's not just the Dems who want to sit and speculate with you about whether Taylor still has that paper airplane necklace hanging around somewhere: Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) is also willing to be your concert buddy. For $1,500, you can take in the show with Stivers, or you can do a twofer and get a pair of tickets in his suite for $2,500.

Want to head to one of the lawmakers' suites? Go for it, but just know there'll be a significant "Blank Space" in your bank account because of it.

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