Tina Fey Says #ByeDave By Literally Giving Letterman The Dress Right Off Her Back

The dress is blue and black, not white and gold.

David Letterman is parting ways with the Late Show in a week and a half, and a flurry of high-profile figures and actors have been swinging by to wish him farewell. The latest guest? Tina Fey — and she's saying goodbye to more than just Dave.

Fey visited The Late Show last night, wearing a black and blue (not white and gold) dress, and announced that it would be the last time she'll ever wear a fancy dress on a talk show.

"It's very hard work," she said. "I don't know if you're aware of the contraptions under here. It's almost medical. I'm terrible in heels. And I've realized that I dress up like this just for you."

She added that wearing a dress for Jimmy Fallon would be creepy, because he's like her little brother. "And I'm not wearing special underwear for James Corden," she said. "That's not going to happen." So Fey decided that since this is "my last time wearing a fancy dress on a talk show and conforming to gender norms out of respect for" Letterman, she would give him the dress right off her back.

Literally. Fey gave him the dress, right on the spot.

Bon voyage, Tina Fey's dress. We're going to hold you to that game of charades in a slanket you promised!

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