'Captain America: Civil War' Isn't Just Another 'Avengers' Movie, Anthony Mackie Says

'That's what I thought at first.'

With Reporting by Josh Horowitz

The next time you see Captain America, he'll be at war with one of his best friends.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark throw down in "Captain America: Civil War," in theaters in little more than a year, and the movie is beginning production later this month. Based on observations from onlookers and insiders, "Civil War" almost looks less like a "Captain America" movie, and more like an "Avengers: Age of Ultron" follow-up, with a stacked roster of superheroes including Black Widow, Hawkeye, Iron Man and more.

Among those heroes: Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie. The "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" veteran, who also appears in next month's "Age of Ultron," has already read the "Civil War" script, and he told us all about it during the red carpet premiere of the new "Avengers" movie. The big takeaway? "Civil War" isn't just "Avengers 2.5."

"That's what I thought at first," he said, "but not at all. It really plays well with the storyline of Cap and how he's evolved into his own man, him doing his own thing, everybody coming together to fight for the common good of man."

Expect the basic tenants of the "Captain America" franchise to remain alive and well in "Civil War," then. As for Falcon? Don't worry; he's in good hands. Mackie said that Marvel Studios tends to stand up and take notice whenever he gives them feedback about what he and fans want to see from the high-flying hero.

"Oh, they listen to me," he said. "I give buckets of notes. I tell them exactly how I want this character to evolve, and they do exactly what I tell them."

If his tongue's in his cheek, we didn't spot it! For now, we'll assume that Mackie and Marvel are doing exactly what they both want to do with Falcon when he flies into "Age of Ultron" on May 1, and "Civil War" on May 6, 2016.

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