13 Things That Happen When You Have A Popular Older Sibling

I was never popular in high school. I never needed to be.

When I was a freshmen in high school my older brother was not just a senior, but a popular one. Being his little sister came with a mixed bag of advantages, pressures and expectations that really had nothing to do with my identity but weren't all bad. It didn't always make me cool by association or a dork by contrast, but it was the closest thing to being a celebrity I've ever been. Looking back, having a popular older sibling shaped my personality more than just being popular ever could.

The popular kids are so surprisingly nice to you, it's unnerving.


Wait... are you talking to me?

Until you realize it's only when your older sibling/older sibling's friends are around.


If it feels fake that's because it is.

There's an unspoken rule about never flirting with you.


If you're a popular kid's younger sibling, you might as well be everyone's younger sibling.

But they make up for it with rides to school!


You haven't seen the inside of a school bus since junior high.

When your sibling's friends say hi to you, it feels like you're famous.


No pictures, please.

Teachers assume you're either an overachiever... or just trouble.


Popular kids are typically either overachievers or troublemakers. Your teacher will have unfair expectations either way.

And so do your peers.


You're not into alcohol or drugs at all, and yet your peers still ask you about both.

Your parents wont understand why you're just not that into high school.

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It might be your sibling's, but it's not your thing.

It's hard to figure out who your real friends are.


They are probably not the people who only want to talk about your sibling.

You don't have to belong to one and only social group.


You're not concerned with cliques and float around based on who you actually want to be friends with.

Your confidence is not dependent on your popularity.


If you're often described as weird it's because you have confidence without needing approval. This quality will serve you well long after high school.

It comes from knowing that no one will mess with you.


Come at me, bro.

But everything changes when your sibling goes off to college.


Appreciate your popular sibling because before you know it they'll be off to college, leaving plenty of time to figure who you actually are — not just their little brother or sister.

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