Watch Kim Gordon and Carrie Brownstein Be Hilarious And Awesome During This Book Talk

the musicians and friends discuss Gordon's recent memoir, 'Girl In A Band'

In case you didn’t know, Kim Gordon and Carrie Brownstein are two of the world’s coolest women. It’s fact. It’s science. There’s simply no debating their supreme chillness; not like you’d ever need to.

Case in point: this video of Kim and Carrie chatting away in honor of Gordon’s recently released memoir, Girl In A Band. In her book, the Sonic Youth co-founder writes about growing up, creating art, and starting over after a messy divorce from bandmate Thurston Moore.

In their talk, taped March 4 in San Francisco, Gordon and Brownstein (of “Portlandia” and Sleater-Kinney fame) discuss making music, the writing process, Instagram, and interviewing LL Cool J. There’s quite a lot of laughter and quite a lot of Gordon turning the tables on her interviewer.

“So, what’s the name of your book?” Kim asks.

“Why are you turning this on me?” Carrie responds, amidst cackles from the audience.

The video clocks in at over an hour, but it’s entertaining the whole way through. Girl band power!

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