Mike Jones (Who?) Starred In A Ridiculous Super Bowl Commercial That You Probably Missed

Need a lawyer? Now you know who to call.

Even if you watched the entire Super Bowl, and paid extremely close attention to the commercials during the frequent breaks in the game, you still probably didn't see the most ridiculous commercial of the night. Unless you live in Columbus, Georgia, that is.

It's in that market that you may have had the pleasure of seeing a commercial for Mark Jones, attorney at law -- starring Mike Jones, rapper. But thanks to the Internet, we can all see it.

How the hell does something this absurd-yet-glorious happen? Let Mr. Jones (Mark, to be specific) explain.

"Lawyer Mark Jones has been a fan of Mike Jones and his work and is very excited to be working with Mike Jones for the Super Bowl," Jones said on his website. "Since opening his own law firm last year, Mark Jones has wanted to reach out to Mike Jones to do something BIG in Columbus, Georgia with Mike Jones."

I'm assuming someone posted this for him, and he doesn't speak and write in the third person.

"Mark Jones and Mike Jones have been trying to connect for a while to do something in Columbus, Georgia, but due to Mike and Mark’s busy schedules they had not been able to connect until now."

I'm just thankful that those schedules finally synched up.

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