Artists Have Reimagined Bree Newsome As A Superhero And It’s Amazing

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We love to watch them in movies, but sometimes we forget that the world is filled with superheroes that walk among us every day. Bree Newsome is one of them, but she doesn't just walk -- in fact, I think she'll be remembered best for climbing.

On Saturday (June 27), the filmmaker and activist scaled the flagpole outside the State House in Columbia, South Carolina and removed the confederate flag. Many called the act "brave," "badass," and yes, "heroic."

Bree has inspired artists from all over the Internet to reimagine her as a superhero. Here are some of our favorite picks:

"I removed the flag not only in defiance of those who enslaved my ancestors in the southern United States, but also in defiance of the oppression that continues against black people globally in 2015, including the ongoing ethnic cleansing in the Dominican Republic," Newsome said in a statement, "I refuse to be ruled by fear."

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