Did Apple Accidentally Leak New iPad Air Designs On iTunes?

You might be looking at the iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3.

Were you casually browsing the latest selection of iPad manuals earlier today? (You were? Really? Well, OK then.) Because apparently you saw something Apple didn't want you to see yet.

Apple news site 9to5Mac reports that on Wednesday (October 15), screenshots for the iOS 8.1 iPad user guide surfaced on the iTunes Store, allegedly depicting the as yet unseen iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3.

Are these alleged iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 screenshots legit?

[image src="wp-attachment://1965152" title="ipad-2-air-mini-3-leak1" alt="ipad-2-air-mini-3-leak1"]

If these screengrabs prove to be real, then Apple fans can expect both models to feature Touch ID sensors in the Home button.

Another of the alleged stills indicates that the iPad Air 2 will offer Burst Mode, which allows users to take 10 photos per second.

Burst Mode, eh?

[image src="wp-attachment://1965153" title="screenshot-2014-10-15-13-09-23" alt="screenshot-2014-10-15-13-09-23"]

We'll likely find out how accurate these product descriptions are at Apple's much-hyped event on October 16, where they are rumored to officially debut the newest additions to the iPad family.

Hey, the surprise could have been worse. At least it wasn't not another unsolicited U2 album.

Related: Bono’s Response To That Whole Free Album Thing? "Oops"

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