Liam Neeson Joins The Cast Of 'Ted 2'

He was quite taken with the script.

Someone call Key & Peele, because Seth MacFarlane just broke some crucial casting news that should have Liam Neeson(s)'s biggest fans feeling pretty psyched right now:

Boom. You hear that? That's the sound of Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson starring alongside Mark Wahlberg and a talking bear. (Mila Kunis was replaced with Amanda Seyfried as the female lead, FYI.)

The film is scheduled to be released on June 26, 2015, and you should probably expect to see a whole lot more bear-y famous faces once it finally comes out. Ryan Reynolds, Norah Jones, Sam Jones ("Flash Gordon") and even Tom Skerritt made cameos in the first "Ted," and that film's commercial popularity and cult success make the sequel a beacon for celebrity appearances, especially with MacFarlane directing.

Neeson's role (and Freeman's) is still a mystery, but we think his unique set of skills will make him a great fit for whomever he decides to play.

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