James Gunn Might Have Just Broken The World 'Grooting' Record

Groot like nobody's watching.

With the exquisite art of "grooting" taking the world by storm, it was only a matter of time before some comic convention or other descended into a grooting flash mob of madness. And now, it's happened: at DragonCon, hundreds of cosplayers assembled to groot behind "Guardians of the Galaxy" director James Gunn, in which may just be the grootiest display of grooting ever to be grooted.

For those not in the know, grooting is a dance form popularized by the eponymous "Guardians of the Galaxy" character, who (spoiler alert) winds up the movie as a booty-shaking seedling in a tiny pot. If you're not sure you're doing it right, Gunn explains the precise mechanics of proper grooting for about a minute before the groot-off, so basically, there is no excuse for your ignorance.

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