Surprise! Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Got Married

Brangelina makes it official!

Ladies and gentlemen, now introducing, Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

Er, Mr. and Mrs. Pitt!

That's right — at long last, Hollywood power couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have officially tied the knot. The duo commonly called Brangelina married during a private ceremony in the French village of Correns last Saturday, according to the Associated Press.

The AP reported the couple tied the knot in a small chapel at Chateau Miraval, surrounded by friends and family. Angelina reportedly walked the aisle with sons Maddox and Pax, while daughters Zahara and Vivienne tossed flower petals, and Shiloh and Knox took on the roles as ring bearers. Ahead of the wedding, the couple obtained a marriage license from a judge in California.

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