Did 'Allure' Really Just Call Lauren Conrad 'Basic'?

Let this be a warning to publications everywhere: Do NOT refer to Lauren Conrad as "basic." Allure learned this the hard way yesterday when LC very publicly called the magazine out on Twitter.

The reality star turned style guru posted a picture from Allure’s most recent Beauty & the Beat column (titled "Typecasting"), in which the mag identifies different types of women based on their signature hairstyles and nail polish picks. They dubbed Vanessa Hudgens the "Bohemian Hippie" and Man Repeller’s Leandra Medine the "Street Stylist", but decided to give Conrad a strangely unflattering title: "Basic."

"Made famous by Kreayshawn, and viral by YouTube, the Basic woman is remarkably unremarkable," Allure’s caption reads. "What's noteworthy about her style is its very plainness. Except to her. She swears those red-soled shoes are cutting-edge." They then go on to say that Basic girls can be identified by their skinny jeans, vanilla-cupcake body milk scent, and blowout or sausage curls. Ouch.

When LC tweeted the incriminating article, she definitely didn't take the dis lightly. "I definitely just got called a basic b****! Haha!" she captioned. "Sausage curls!? Really @Allure_magazine?"

Conrad’s incredulity no doubt stems from the fact that she's something of a hair idol, thanks in large part to her awesome stylist, Kristin Ess (or maybe the fact that sausage curls are really only seen on young girls from the 1800s). There's also the strange fact that Allure posted an article three days ago titled "11 Beauty Lessons We've Learned From Lauren Conrad" AND put LC on their April 2014 cover. So, did they change their minds? Are they backhandedly calling themselves basic? These are the questions that shall keep us up tonight.

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